Today, everything is moving faster than it did yesterday.

Transportation, communication axnd production of goods is more efficient than ever.

Strangely, these technological advancements have not given us more free time, but instead many people are more stressed than ever.

The acceleration of time has become the guiding principle of the modern era.

Consequently, what was once considered rare is now quotidian.

Travelling, once a way to expand one’s mind and to engage with other cultures, has lost its allure. In addition, and no less serious, is the fact that the fast-paced lifestyle has accelerated climate change.

Currently, we are facing a crucial bifurcation; which path we decide to follow today will define the world of tomorrow. For this reason, and in opposition of how things have been done, we propose a new, slower way of living.

We suggest a shift from extensive growth to intensive development, towards a new way of thinking and being, regardless of whether we are approaching well-known destinations or venturing into uncharted territories.

We must learn to navigate in alignment with the natural flows in the universe’s energy.

Life is not to be rushed, instead every moment should be experienced to the fullest. Take time to explore the outside world and the universe within. Engage with the people you meet on your journey and be open to the unexpected.  

Travel should be about discovery and developing new knowledge, while supporting local culture. It should also be about finding beauty while defining the style of one’s own life.

A slow lifestyle is as rewarding for the individual as it is beneficial for society and the environment.

To travel is to live, but one’s journey through life should be guided by reflection, grace and consideration.